On June 16th, I will be running the San Francisco Marathon to raise funds for, and awareness to, the Adenoid Cystic Carcinomia Research Foundation (ACCRF) in memory of my father, Gene Carlson. Here I will be writing about my training leading up to the big day.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

One Month to Go!

On Thursday, I got this email from the San Francisco Marathon:
Official bib number 40598.  Start time: 5:52 A-freaking-M!

 They were quite cheery as they announced, "One month from today!"  Gulp.  I cannot believe it's almost here!

I just finished my final 20 mile training run about an hour ago.  As I sit here sipping my green smoothie (coconut water, pineapple, spinach, a couple strawberries and a half of a frozen banana - yumtastic)

 and wearing my new compression socks (people swear by them after a long run...supposed to be like a little massage for your legs and feet. I hope they are right because my feet are tired!)
Compression Socks!!  Supposed to speed up the recovery of your legs and feet.

 I am a bit worried about how calm I am.  In the past, when I'm at that official one month out mark of a marathon, I start getting all jacked up and nervous.  Not this time.  I just feel calm.  I think it's because I really, really, really just want this day to be special.  It isn't about getting in at a certain time - beating every other time I've ever ran which is how I'm usually thinking - it's about really taking in the day and the surroundings and just thinking about Dad.  I still get goosebumps every time I think about the fact that marathon day is also Father's Day.  For me, that just reinforces that he will be there with me by my side the entire way.  I'm going to take photos during the run, enjoy the view, think about all of you who have been so incredibly supportive and try and take it all in. 

I even bought new shoes this past week.  Now that is a sign of calmness...new shoes a month out!?  I tested them out yesterday for an easy 10-miler and they felt really good so I went with them again for the 20-miler.  No blisters so I'll take that as a positive! 

Murphy getting a little too close to my new shoes!